LiV Instant Messaging
LiV is a connected device designed to work with any Instant Messaging application that supports Jabber/XMPP protocol. There are a variety of such IM clients for computers and cell phones: Messages for Mac OS, open-source Pidgin, chatSecure, etc...
LiV is a connected device designed to work with any Instant Messaging application that supports Jabber/XMPP protocol. There are a variety of such IM clients for computers and cell phones: Messages for Mac OS, open-source Pidgin, chatSecure, etc...
The "website" and "show measurements" Instant Messaging commands return two links: one for accessing LiV Home Page using LiV's internal IP address, the other for accessing LiV Home Page using the external IP address of your router. Accessing LiV using the external IP address of the home router requires some additional settings on your home router (port forwarding from external IP address/port_5000 of your router to internal IP_address/port_5000 of your LiV Pi).
LiV Instant Messaging user manual
LiV can be configured to behave like one of your chat buddies.
First of all, you need a XMPP/Jabber address for LiV. You can get a free XMPP addresses for LiV (and for yourself if you don't have one already) here. Test the address by creating the LiV account in your chat application and send an invitation to your Jabber address that you are using to chat with your friends. Log out of the LiV account, log into your Jabber account and accept the invitation from LiV. Now you and LiV are buddies and can talk to each other. There is only one more thing you need to do now: you need to edit "livXMPP.config" file under "/home/pi/liv/livXMPP" directory. In the config file, you need to enter a "from address" and a "from password": these are the Jabber/XMPP address and password associated with LiV. You also need to type a "to" address: this is your Instant Messaging Jabber/XMPP address.
If you are already using an IM application, chances are it supports Jabber/XMPP. If it doesn't, there are quite a few free IM apps that run on desktops and cell phones (e.g. open source pidgin, chat secure, etc...). When you powered up LiV for the first time, livXMPP process will show errors (you can check the log file with "tail -f livXMPP.log" in "/home/pi/liv/livXMPP" directory) - because the XMPP addresses were not configured. Once you configure the addresses and restart the livXMPP process or reboot LiV, you should see LiV showing "LIV IS AVAILABLE" status in your IM buddy list (just like in the picture above).
Currently LiV accepts the following commands:
1) report - returns most recent measurements
2) website - returns a link to the LiV website (out of the box you can access LiV website only when you are connected to your home router. You should be able to use an external IP address to access LiV website over an Internet connection no matter where you are, but that requires some additional settings on your home router (port forwarding on port 5000 on your home WiFi router)
3) show - returns a link to a LiV page that shows historical data in a measurements graph. (e.g. "show co2 300" generates a link to a LiV webpage that shows a graph with the most recent 300 CO2 data points. That's ten hours worth of data - by default, the sensors are read every 2 minutes - 30 times in one hour.)
4) alarms - returns a list of rules for triggering LiV alarms ( e.g. rule "temperature: less 30" means that you will receive a notification when the temperature falls under 30C; when the temperature raises over 30C, you will receive an "alarm cleared" notification)
5) set - set alarm (e.g. command "set co2 more 1500" sets a CO2 alarm threshold of 1500ppm. When the threshold is exceeded, you will receive an alarm notification. When CO2 level falls under 1500ppm you will receive an alarm cleared notification. The alarm rule stays in place until you change it again with "set" command or you clear it with "reset").
6) reset - reset alarm (e.g. "reset temperature" resets the rules for monitoring temperature, "reset all" resets the rules for monitoring temperature, humidity, air pressure and CO2)
Here is a video showing how users can interact with LiV via IM. (Best to watch in full-screen, HD)